Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Little Painted Desert

So on saturday Andrew wanted to go "Site Seeing"...... In Winslow..... Where is there to go site seeing in Winslow?? I had no clue where to take him that would be fun that we haven't already been. So he asked me about the Little Painted Desert that he had driven by on his way to the rez one day. It sounded fun and we didn't have to drive forever to get there. So we went! I haven't been since I was little! Probably for a field trip in elementary school. It was SO neat! SO amazing that there is something that beautiful so close to Winslow. After taking pictures we headed down the road alittle ways more just for a fun drive. I guess I have never realized how pretty this area really is. I couldn't stop taking pictures. What a fun day we had. Now we have to hit all the other places that I have completely forgotten about that are so neat and fun to go see. If you haven't ever been to see the Little Painted Desert I would definitely recommend going! Now I want to see the bigger Painted Desert.


Corie Green said...

Oh that is so fun! I love those kind of day trips, my kids think they are awesome!

Corri Havlicek said...

Sightseeing around Winslow is great! My family loves to go when they come visit. What a fun way to "rediscover" your hometown.

Joey & Tiffanye said...

How fun! I have never been there. And I loved within an 2 hours of it my WHOLE life haha! Its so pretty! You need to update before that little boy of yours gets here!