Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Guess what!

I'm Pregnant! You don't know how good it feels to finally be able to tell everyone! We wanted to wait until we had our first ultrasound to tell everyone. It's been a very hard secret to keep! We are VERY excited!! I am about 9 1/2 weeks (I'll be 10 weeks on saturday). The due date is March 28th. I want to put up a baby ticker but I've decided to wait until it looks more like a baby than a little tad pole.
Being able to see the baby on the ultrasound was so neat. We could see the little heart beating and little stubby legs and arms moving. Seeing it helped make it feel a little more real that we really are going to be having a baby! As for me there isn't one I want more than the other. A girl will be fun to dress up but I hear boys are much easier... so what ever we have will be wonderful no matter what! And as for Andrew, he says it doesn't really matter to him either but I know he is secretly rooting for a boy.
Everything has been going good. A little sick but nothing unbearable. Brushing my teeth is the worst!!! I feel like I could gag just thinking about it! I can't complain because I know it could be worse.
Well thats all the exciting news I have for now. I do have a question for any of the expert bloggers about how to put the cute headers on my blog.... I can't figure it out. I'm sure it's pretty easy and thats why I can't do it. So if any of you would like to help me I would love it! Just leave me a comment. Thanks!


Joey & Tiffanye said...

YAY! Thats so exciting! Congrats! Being a parent is the absolute best! Congrats again~

Lebanites said...

Congrats Jackie and Andrew!
I am so happy for you guys...Names??!!
Please tell Steph adn tim to put us on their blog list..I'd lovew to read up one them.
Anyway, all the best, especially during the 1st trimester--hopefully nothing worse than brushing teeth!

LuAnne said...

Congrats! Babies are so much fun!

Corie Green said...

Congrats!!! That is so exciting! That baby is going to be adorable!! Let me know if you need anything! :D

PAULA said...

Congratulations! That is great news.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!! I am so excited. Our kids will be like 6 months apart. I want our kid to have lots of cousins so this just works out perfectly. I am glad you arent feeling too sick. If you do get sick (I hope you dont) let me know. I was so sick in the begginning and there were a few things that really helped. Congrats again!

Everyone said...

That's cool! Congrats! Also, tell Steph and Tim to add me too, cause I can't get on their blog anymore. Thanks!

Todd,Shara & Mykah said...

Jackie that is totally SWEET! I am so excited for you guys! Congrats!

Joey & Tiffanye said...

I make my headers at Then you save it as a Jpeg and fix it in paint to fit your blog

Chris & Teesha said...

We are so excited for you guys. You will have to let us know when you find out what it is. Sounds like things are going good for you guys. Hope that you aren't getting too sick Jackie. Best of luck to you guys.

Anonymous said...

It's gonna be a boy and he'll look just like me and you'll name him 'lil Vearle.